Perrett Laver appoints six new Partners

Perrett Laver has kicked off the year with six Partner promotions. All are expert at connecting influential organisations with dynamic leaders in their respective sectors. The new Partners are:

  • Natasha Zoltie, Partner, Climate, Environment and Conservation โ€“ leading our work in climate, sustainability and conservation, Natasha supports organisations globally as they work to solve the single biggest challenge facing society today. With eight yearsโ€™ experience at Perrett Laver, Natasha was seconded to Clean Air Fund in 2020.
  • Shivani Smith, Partner, UK Non-Profits โ€“ having worked in, and, with the non-profit sector for over 20 years and Shivani has extensive experience of governance, fundraising, research, volunteering and corporate partnerships. She advises senior executive and board appointments across domestic and international charities and co-Chairs our EDI committee.
  • Dr Becca Franssen, Partner, UK Higher Education โ€“ with experience across a number of sectors including advising on the appointment of senior leaders globally in Universities, Schools and Charities. Diversity is a particular focus for Becca, using innovative methods, processes and technology to build diverse fields and to assist organisations in appointing diversity specialists.
  • Annaliese Renda, Partner, Global Operations โ€“ responsible for Global Operations, Annalieseโ€™s role is key in overseeing our global operations including IT, legal & HR. Ensuring all systems are functioning smoothly to enable our business to flourish.
  • Imogen Baird, Partner, Sport โ€“since joining Perrett Laver in 2014, Imogen has served a variety of organisations across Perrett Laver’s core practice groups but has focused her career on developing the Sports practice. As a former GB athlete, she has used her passion for the sector to support dynamic senior leadership appointments and advise on governance, particularly with regards to diversity and inclusion. 
  • Dr Richard Weir, Partner, Sydney โ€“ with special interest in educational innovation, forged through an early career in university teaching, Richard is passionate about helping to identify the next generation of talent. For the past five years, he has worked with organisations across a range of sectors on the appointment of senior leaders throughout Australia and the wider Asia-Pac region.

The appointment of the new Partners comes off the back of a year that saw extremely strong business performance, with Perrett Laver generating record revenues and continuing to expand the business in areas such as Climate, Environment and Conservation, Sport and Higher Education.

Celebrating the expanded leadership team, Simon Laver and Dan Perrett, Co-Founders of Perrett Laver said:

โ€œWe are delighted to bring Natasha, Shivani, Becca, Annaliese, Imogen and Richard into our Partner group. This acknowledges the massive contributions they have all made to the success of the business. Importantly, their appointments also position us strongly for future growth as we continue to expand.โ€