Chatham House appoints new director and chief executive

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) is delighted to announce that its new director and chief executive will be Bronwen Maddox, who joins from the Institute for Government.

Bronwen Maddox has been the director of the Institute for Government, an independent think tank based in London promoting better government, since September 2016.

She joined the institute from the current affairs magazine Prospect, where she spent six years as editor and CEO.

Bronwen was previously foreign editor, chief foreign commentator and US editor at The Times, and before that, she ran award-winning investigations and wrote economics editorials for the Financial Times, after a career as an investment analyst in the City. She writes frequent op-ed columns for the Financial Times and broadcasts widely.

She is also visiting professor in the Policy Institute at Kingโ€™s College London, a non-executive board member of the Law Commission, and has just been appointed a council member of Research England, one of the research councils of UK Research & Innovation.

Ms Maddox succeeds Dr Robin Niblett CMG who is standing down in the summer after 15 years in the role. She will take up the role at the end of August.

Chair of Chatham House, Sir Nigel Sheinwald said:

โ€˜This is an exciting appointment for the future of Chatham House and for London as a global hub. Russiaโ€™s invasion of Ukraine and the unprecedented response of the rest of the world reminds us that organizations like Chatham House, with its outstanding record of independent analysis and new ideas on how to build a secure and prosperous world, are needed more than ever.

โ€˜Bronwen Maddox has an international reputation as a compelling commentator and analyst on world affairs, with a proven ability to spot emerging issues and frame them in ways which will provoke intelligent debate and fresh thinking. She has provided successful and innovative leadership at the IFG, Prospect and The Times, and is committed to continuing to broaden Chatham Houseโ€™s diverse appeal and impact. She is the ideal person to lead the institute into the next stage of its development at this crucial time for the future of international relations.โ€™

Bronwen Maddox said:

โ€˜I am honoured and delighted to become Chatham Houseโ€™s next director. Itโ€™s a momentous period in international affairs and Chatham House, with its reputation for rigour, independence and expert analysis, has a unique role to play in assessing these changes and prompting solutions to confront them โ€“ as it shows every day. I look forward to the privilege of working with its teams, and the many others who have come together to advance its work.โ€™

Sir Nigel also paid tribute to Dr Niblett:

โ€˜Robin Niblett has transformed Chatham House in his fifteen years as its head. The instituteโ€™s research, activities and impact have grown considerably in that time thanks to Robinโ€™s own high-quality commentary, his productive relationships with our stakeholders, partners, supporters and members and his commitment to the instituteโ€™s staff. He leaves an institute which has a much wider and fresher appeal and has strengthened Londonโ€™s standing as a great centre for international affairs.โ€™

Dr Niblett said:

โ€˜This appointment is excellent news for Chatham House. Bronwen Maddox is ideally placed to ensure the institute continues to play its part in helping governments, business and civil society tackle the serious challenges we face, not just from the return of geopolitical competition and interstate conflict, but also from climate change, unsustainable economic activity and growing inequality, priorities for the institute that have been underlined by the COVID-19 pandemic.โ€™