
Executive Search in
Environment & Sustainability

Perrett Laver is a market leader in sourcing standout leaders for environmentally focused NGOs, policymakers, philanthropic funds, research institutes, think tanks, commercial R&D, and other public, private and non-profit organisations.


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The global climate emergency and its impact on our world presents humanity with unprecedented challenges that require urgent responses.

Our cross-sectoral approach means we go further to identify world-class leaders from beyond traditional boundaries. These are the leaders who will effect meaningful change, boldly seeking innovative approaches and championing climate justice, ensuring responsible transitions and a liveable future for all.

We support environmentally focused organisations to appoint impactful leaders whose expertise and skills can be applied to tackle the most pressing environmental crises.

With this visionary leadership in place, organisations are empowered to scale technologically advanced and nature-based solutions, drive policy and campaigns, build translational research agendas, and deliver new approaches for the future through green finance.

Recent Clients

Ecologic Institute
Cambridge Conservation Initiative
Wageningen University & Research
Conservation International
Environmental Defense Fund
Deutsche Umwelthilfe
World Wide Fund for Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature
The Nature Conservancy

Where We Can Help

For environment and biodiversity-focused organisations, success hinges on finding leaders with a deep commitment to, and understanding of, ecological systems, conservation strategies, and environmental policy.

As well as these technical skills, we look for those with strong networks, effective communication skills, and the ability to influence public opinion and/or policy. Every candidate must demonstrate a commitment to ethical practices and be able to inspire and lead multidisciplinary teams to achieve organisational goals.

This sector is rich with organisations that have a robust knowledge of climate science, mitigation strategies, and adaptation techniques. Leadership in this area demands strong analytical skills, a strategic and solution-oriented vision for long-term climate resilience, and the ability to mobilise and lead cross-sector collaborations to drive impactful action.

For each appointment, we identify a diverse range of talented candidates with transferable skills who can navigate the complexities of climate policy, international agreements, and regulatory frameworks. They can manage large-scale initiatives and secure funding from diverse sources, including government grants, private investors, and international agencies.

We support organisations to identify impactful leaders with expertise in renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, pathways to decarbonisation and the integration of sustainable practices within traditional energy systems.

We look for proven experience in driving innovation, securing investment, building partnerships, project development, regulatory compliance, and the financial acumen to manage large-scale renewable energy projects.

Additionally, executives often need strong change management skills to navigate the energy transition, ensuring organisational agility, rapid scale-up, and stakeholder alignment to achieve goals quickly and effectively.

Environmental change relies on a sustainable approach for long-term success. We’re committed to finding leaders who have a deep commitment to sustainability principles.

Candidates must demonstrate experience in developing and implementing relevant sustainability strategies that align with global standards and frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and bring deep credibility to lead on these issues.

Strong skills in stakeholder engagement across sectors, transparency, and reporting are essential for those transitioning into these roles, along with the ability to drive initiatives and foster a culture of innovation.

Meet Our Experts

Chichester_Arabella_Global Senior Partner
Global Senior Partner

Arabella Chichester

Global Senior Partner

Dr Sinéad Gibney

Partner & Sector Lead, Environment & Sustainability

Natasha Zoltie

Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, Americas

Siobhan Doherty

Country Managing Partner, United States & Chair, Employee Ownership Trust

Erik Jackson

Damaris_Matis_Partner and Head of Europe in the Social Impact and Environment Practice
Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, Europe

Damaris Matis

Gordon Lobay - Regional Managing Partner - Americas
Regional Managing Partner, Americas

Dr Gordon Lobay

Regional Managing Partner, Asia Pacific

Dr Birgit Brandt

Country Managing Partner, Australia

Janelle Entwistle

Bing Han, Country Managing Partner, China
Country Managing Partner, China

Bing Han

Country Managing Partner, Hong Kong

Katharine Poundstone

Country Managing Partner, Ireland

Michelle Scanlon

Partner & Sector Lead, Research, Technology & Innovation, Europe

Dr Emi Saliasi

Country Managing Partner, Germany

Dr Nicole Shea

Partner & Sector Lead, AI, Data & Technology

Dr Jack Bircher

Goran Gregorovic
Partner & Sector Lead, Research, Technology & Innovation, UKAME

Dr Goran Gregorovic

Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, UKAME

Shivani Smith

Consultant, Americas

Will Riggs

Consultant, Hong Kong & China

Gary Tang

Consultant, Europe

Dr Valia Sakkoula

Senior Consultant & Regional Lead, Africa

Teresa Phiri

Arabella Chichester

Global Senior Partner

As Global Senior Partner, Arabella is responsible for the long-term strategic development of Perrett Laver alongside the acceleration of its commercial growth.

Arabella has been at Perrett Laver for over twelve years and was Global Head of the Social Impact and Environment Practice for 8 years. Arabella scaled and diversified Perrett Laver’s Social Impact and Environment Practice to become one of the leading advisors on leadership recruitment in the sector.

Arabella’s experience at Perrett Laver includes senior Chair, Board and Chief Executive appointments across the Social Impact and Environment Sector. This includes working with INGOs, Foundations, domestic non-profits, the UN, research institutes, social enterprises and at the intersection of the social impact and private sector.

Arabella holds a MA (Hons) in Ancient History from the University of Edinburgh and a PG Dip in Psychology at the Institute of Education, University of London.

Dr Sinéad Gibney

Global Senior Partner

As Global Senior Partner, Sinéad is responsible for the long-term strategic development of Perrett Laver alongside the acceleration of its commercial growth.

During her ten years at Perrett Laver, Sinéad established and led the firm’s operations in Amsterdam and Dublin, while continuing to grow Perrett Laver’s Research, Technology and Innovation, and Higher Education practices across Europe.

Sinéad’s experience at Perrett Laver includes advising on senior executive and non-executive appointments for universities, public and privately funded research institutes, as well as research-oriented charities and non-profits.

Sinéad holds an honours degree in Natural Science from Trinity College Dublin and a PhD in Neuroscience from University College Cork.

Natasha Zoltie

Partner & Sector Lead, Environment & Sustainability

Natasha is a Partner & Sector Lead, Environment & Sustainability.

Her experience of senior level executive search includes Board and Executive appointments in the Social Impact and Environment Practice.

Natasha holds an MSc in International Relations from the University of Nottingham and has long volunteered for a global youth movement. She leads the practice’s work in the environment and sustainability sector and was recently seconded to Clean Air Fund, a start-up philanthropy, to support them on rapid growth.

Siobhan Doherty

Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, Americas

Siobhan is a Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, Americas.

Her experience of senior level executive search includes Board and Executive appointments in the Global Non-Profit Practice.

She holds a BA (Hons) in Politics and Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

Erik Jackson

Country Managing Partner, United States & Chair, Employee Ownership Trust

Erik is Managing Partner for Perrett Laver’s work in the US and is based in Raleigh, North Carolina.

His experience in senior level executive search includes Board, Chief Executive and other senior leadership appointments our Social Impact & Environment, Higher Education, and Research, Technology & Innovation sectors.

Erik holds BA in History from Menlo College in California, where he was class Valedictorian and an MSt in History from the University of Oxford. Before joining the firm, he held the position of Business Development Manager for the geopolitical consulting firm Oxford Analytica.

Damaris Matis

Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, Europe

Damaris is a Partner and Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, Europe. Damaris is based in Amsterdam, and since joining Perrett Laver in 2019, has supported hundreds of impactful organisations on their international senior executive and non-executive appointments.

Dr Gordon Lobay

Regional Managing Partner, Americas

Gordon is the Regional Managing Partner, Americas. He leads our Canadian operations and delivers senior-level searches across all of the sectors in which we operate.

He began with the firm in our London office and subsequently opened the Vancouver office in 2013 and the Toronto office a few years later.

Gordon holds a B.A. in Classics and Anthropology from Alberta, an MPhil in Archaeology from Glasgow, PhD (on the looting and illegal trading of antiquities) from Cambridge (Homerton College) and a Corporate Executive Certificate from the Alberta, School of Business.

Before joining Perrett Laver Gordon held junior research positions at Texas (Institute of Classical Archaeology) and Westminster (ESRC Project on the UK’s Dealing in Cultural Objects Offences Act 2003) and he was Collections Management Advisor at Alberta (Museums and Collections Services). He was also an Associate Scholar on the Intellectual Property in Cultural Heritage Project and continues to write book reviews for a few academic journals.

He also brings government experience from the UK (Parliamentary Ombudsman) and Canada (Government of Alberta), where he managed a socioeconomic program evaluation team and received a Premier’s Award for outstanding client services.

Dr Birgit Brandt

Regional Managing Partner, Asia Pacific

Birgit Brandt is Regional Managing Partner, Asia Pacific.

Her experience includes Chief Executive and Senior Academic and Administrative appointments in Higher Education and Research, Schools and Global Non-Profit Practices with Asia-Pacific.

Birgit holds a PhD from the University of Warwick in Sociology and MAs in Race and Ethnic Studies and Political Science from Warwick and the Freie Universitat Berlin, respectively. Birgit began her career as a Research Fellow in Berlin moving to the University of Warwick to work in the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations and the Department of Politics and International Studies.

She moved on to join a novel research grants programme that sought to support partnerships between UK universities and charities and was appointed Head of Grants at the Royal Society and Director of Programmes at the British Academy.

She has travelled extensively, including six months in PRC learning Mandarin.

Janelle Entwistle

Country Managing Partner, Australia

Janelle is Managing Partner of our Australian operations and leads our office in Sydney.

Her senior level executive search experience includes Senior Academic and Administrative appointments globally in higher education and research and for organisations across the cultural and sports sectors.

She holds a Bachelor degree in Social Science and a Master degree in Marketing from The University of Newcastle, and a Master degree in Management from The Australian National University.  Janelle has significant experience in strategic marketing and communications, student recruitment, relationship management, events, business development and international relations. Prior to joining Perrett Laver, Janelle held senior management roles at the Australian National University and the University of Newcastle and is experienced in sports administration having held the position of General Manager for Netball Tasmania, and has also held senior marketing and communications positions in the mining and not-for-profit sectors. Janelle has travelled extensively, particularly across Asia.

Bing Han

Country Managing Partner, China

Bing is a Partner at Perrett Laver and is now leading Perrett Laver’s new Hong Kong office, opened in January 2015.

His experience includes Chief Executive and Senior Academic and Administrative appointments in Higher Education and Research within Asia-Pacific.

A native of Beijing, Bing was most recently Director for China Programmes at the Alliance for Global Education, where he led the design of all Alliance for Global Education academic programmes in China, developed and maintained institutional relationships with more than 200 universities in both the U.S. and China and oversaw the Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi’an centers of operations.

Bing has many years of experience at senior management in global higher education and prior to that has taught in China and in the US at Asian Studies Department at Vassar College and Williams College.

He has been central in building scholarly exchanges and joint programmes between US and Chinese Universities and brings a deep understanding of Mainland China and Hong Kong higher education and research sectors.

Bing Han earned a BA in Electrical Engineering in 1996, a BA in International Business in 1997, and an MA in Communications Technology in 2000 from the Harbin Institute of Technology and the Beijing Institute of Microwave Metrology & Measurement respectively.

Katharine Poundstone

Country Managing Partner, Hong Kong

Katharine is a Partner at Perrett Laver and co-lead of our Hong Kong operation.

Her experience includes Chief Executive and Senior Academic and Administrative appointments in Higher Education and Research within Asia-Pacific.

Katharine has until recently been the Resident Director for the Alliance for Global Education in Beijing. A native of Kentucky, Katharine, has lived and worked in mainland China for many years, beginning with a study abroad experience in Beijing in 1992-93.

After graduating from Reed College (BA in Chinese Language & Literature; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology) she spent a year in China as a Thomas J. Watson fellow and then completed her M.H.S. at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In 2000 Katharine returned to China, where she has worked as epidemiologist on various public health projects, including projects focussing on AIDS/STD prevention and control, with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the World Health Organization, and the Chinese government. She also received a fellowship from the Blakemore Foundation to study advanced Mandarin Chinese at Tsinghua University in 2008-09.

Michelle Scanlon

Country Managing Partner, Ireland

Michelle is a Managing Partner.

Michelle works in Perrett Laver’s Dublin office. She is a Partner, former Head of the Project Management team and has worked across a number of Perrett Laver’s global Offices including London, Chicago and Hong Kong. She works with organisations across our Global Higher Education, Sport, Social Impact and Health sectors.

Dr Emi Saliasi

Partner & Sector Lead, Research, Technology & Innovation, Europe

Her senior level executive search experience includes Executive and Senior Academic and Administrative appointments in the Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Social Impact and Environment and Arts and Culture sectors. In addition, she has worked on multiple senior appointments in the intersection between academic organisations, arts and culture, and industry.

Emi holds a BSc in Psychology, an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience from Utrecht University and a PhD in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging from the University of Groningen. Before joining Perrett Laver, Emi worked as a postdoc in Social Medicine at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. Besides her academic commitments, she also represented the PhD community in Groningen and helped manage the communication platforms for a large conference.

Emi is fluent in English, Dutch & Albanian and speaks conversational Italian.

Dr Nicole Shea

Country Managing Partner, Germany

Nicole is Managing Partner, Germany.

Her experience of senior level executive search includes Board, Chief Executive, Senior Academic and Administrative appointments throughout Europe, within the Higher Education, Research, Technology and Innovation, Social Impact and Environment sectors.

Prior to joining Perrett Laver, Nicole was Executive Director of the Council for European Studies at Columbia University (CES) and the Executive Editor and Founder of the journal EuropeNow. She oversaw the renowned annual International Conference of Europeanists, the prestigious World Society Foundation Global Fellowships as well as the Mellon-Dissertation Completion Fellowships, among others, and supported 17 Research Networks, including those addressing the Environment, European Culture, Immigration and Social Movements.

She is the author of The Politics of Prostitution in ‘Berlin Alexanderplatz’ and the editor of The Many Voices of Europe: Mobility and Migration in Contemporary Europe. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Binghamton University.

Dr Jack Bircher

Partner & Sector Lead, AI, Data & Technology

Jack is Partner & Sector Lead, AI, Data & Technology.

His experience of senior level executive search includes multiple Chair and Professorial appointments globally across all academic disciplines, as well as leadership appointments in higher education and industry research and development.

Jack is expert in the use of metrics and analytics for the identification and assessment of world leading academics.

Jack holds a BSc in Physiology from the University of Liverpool, an MSc from the University of Leeds in Ion Channels in Disease and a PhD from Kings College London in Cell Signalling. His research focused on the role of ion channels in hormone release.

Dr Goran Gregorovic

Partner & Sector Lead, Research, Technology & Innovation, UKAME

Goran is a Partner & Sector Lead, Health & Life Sciences.

His experience includes working on senior level strategic appointments for a range of higher education institutions, research institutes and centres, research-led organisations, public-private partnerships and biotech companies, and on global professorial and chair level appointments across various disciplines.

Goran holds an MSc in Molecular Biology from University of Zagreb and a PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology from University of Geneva.

Prior to joining Perrett Laver, Goran was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London.

Shivani Smith

Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, UKAME

Shivani is Partner & Sector Lead, Social Impact & Environment, UKAME.

She has experience of senior charity roles including Director and Chief Executive positions for organisations across the UK. Previously she has worked with non-profits on projects covering qualitative research, brand, fundraising, leadership development and CSR. Her experience of the non-profit sector also includes voluntary roles within charities as a Chair and as a trustee.

Shivani has an MA Public Policy and Management, University of York and a BSc Sociology (Hons), London School of Economics and Political Science.

Will Riggs

Consultant, Americas

Will has 4 years of executive search experience and is a Consultant within Perrett Laver’s Social Impact Practice, supporting the practice’s work across North America.

His search experience includes Board, Chief Executive and C-Suite appointments across a range of  nonprofit and private sector clients. Some notable clients include the Gates Foundation, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, FEED and The Claremont Colleges. Before joining Perrett Laver, Will held Consultant and Research roles with other global executive search firms, and led Customer Success for a SaaS startup in local grocery delivery.

Will is based in Asheville, North Carolina. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Northeastern University.

Gary Tang

Consultant, Hong Kong & China

Gary is a Consultant in the Hong Kong office.

His executive search experience includes senior leadership appointments for universities, international schools, as well as arts and culture organizations in Hong Kong, Macao and Greater China. Prior to joining Perrett Laver, Gary had an early career in higher education, secondary education and public affairs.

An expert on the international relations of East Asia and Eurasia, Gary has contributed articles to the World Economic Forum, South China Morning Post, Geopolitics, among others. He has a BA in history and political science from the Australian National University, a MA in Comparative and Public History from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the University of Warwick.

Gary speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and English and continues to improve his Russian.

Dr Valia Sakkoula

Consultant, Europe

Valia brings her expertise in STEM fields to our team as a Consultant for Higher Education and Research, Technology, and Innovation at our Amsterdam office. With a focus on Europe, she has successfully guided the selection of top-tier academic and administrative leaders.

Valia holds a BSc in Physics, an MSc in Applied Physics, and a PhD in Laser Physics and Spectroscopy from Radboud University of Nijmegen. Prior to her career at Perrett Laver, she worked as a Postdoctoral researcher in the Life Science Trace Detection Laboratory at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Teresa Phiri

Senior Consultant & Regional Lead, Africa

Teresa is Regional Lead, Africa & Consultant for Social Impact and Environment & Sustainability sectors. Her previous work experience includes positions with Citigroup and working with social impact organisations including Acumen and WIT (an NGO with consultative status at the UN).

Teresa has lived and travelled throughout Africa, Europe, and Latin America where she has also volunteered with organisations like World Vision and UNHCR to support in-country programs. Her experience in global non-profits include C-suite and Director level positions for Plan International, Trócaire, World Vision International and she is currently working with Conservation International.

Teresa holds a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Oxford and a BA in Liberal Arts and Economics from Sarah Lawrence College, New York.

Notable Appointments

Ecologic Institute welcomes Christoph Heinrich as its new Director

01 Aug 2024

ClientEarth appoints new Global Board Chair, Emma Howard Boyd CBE

21 Mar 2024

ASC’s Supervisory Board Welcomes New Chair and Five New Members

25 May 2022

Frauke Thies Appointed Executive Director, Agora Energiewende

03 May 2022

Tropenbos International appoints Joost van Montfort as Director

16 Mar 2022

Marine Stewardship Council Appoints Erika Feller as Americas Director

20 Jul 2021

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