Research & Development Mission Programme: R&I Challenge Directors

UK Research and Innovation
Research Technology & Innovation

Research & Development Mission Programme

We are seeking dynamic leaders from diverse backgrounds in research, innovation, or business to bring their creativity and vision to our Mission Research and Innovation Challenges. The R&I Challenge Director role is crucial to the success of the Research & Development Missions Programme, serving as a champion for the role of research and innovation in addressing critical, complex issues identified by the UK Government’s Missions.

With expertise spanning the UK’s ecosystem of research, innovation, and businesses, Challenge Directors will engage across the landscape to design impactful interventions. We welcome applicants who thrive in fast-paced environments and are eager to collaborate with UKRI and Government domain experts to shape timely, high-impact solutions.

About the Missions

Economic Growth is the number one mission of the Government. Growth will fund public services, enable investment in hospitals and schools, and, most importantly, raise living standards for everyone.

Through the growth mission, the Government is aiming for the highest sustained growth in the G7 – with more people in good jobs, higher living standards, and productivity growth in every part of the United Kingdom.

The priority milestone for the NHS Fit for the Future Mission is tackling waiting lists and returning to the elective standard. The initial focus is on identifying ways to improve allocative efficiency and patient outcomes through improving patient flow and shifting care from hospital to community. This includes improved access to healthcare, reducing the number of lives lost to the biggest killers (including cancer and cardiovascular disease) and tackling health inequalities. This will be achieved through supporting the three shifts identified in the health mission: hospital to home; treatment to prevention; and analogue to digital.

The Safer Streets mission aims to reduce serious harm and increase public confidence in policing and in the criminal justice system. Integral to the safer streets mission is our ambition to halve knife crime and halve Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) within a decade. Key to success is enhanced data and evidence capability to allow targeted effective prevention measures, tailoring to specific and emerging crime concentration areas and spaces, developing the ability to ‘design out crime’, support victims and reduce reoffending.

The Opportunity mission will break the link between a child’s background and their future success, delivering across 4 key areas:

  • Set every child up for the best start in life.
  • Help every child to achieve and thrive at school, through excellent teaching and high standards.
  • Build skills for opportunity and growth so that every young person can follow the pathway that is right for them.
  • Underpinning all of these, build family security – ensuring every child has a safe loving home, and tackling the barriers that mean too many families struggle to afford the essentials.

This Mission will protect the country from exposure to unstable international markets and gives security and stability to both family and national finances. This will be achieved through delivering clean power by 2030 and accelerating to net zero. This Mission will bring energy security, protect billpayers, create good jobs, and help to protect future generations from the cost of climate breakdown. In this context, the RDMP is expected to focus on the R&I Challenge to enable delivery of Clean Power by 2030.

About the Role




Job Title: R&I Challenge Director

Council / function: Research & Development Mission Programme (RDMP)

Contract Type: 3-year fixed term, with the possibility of a further one-year extension. Secondments are welcome

Hours: Full Time or Part Time (minimum 0.8 FTE) (flexible arrangements will be considered)



Location: Swindon – with hybrid working opportunities alongside regular travel to UKRI locations

Band: SCS1 / UKRI Band X

Salary: £91,943 – £99,000 per annum (depending on skills and experience)




UK Research and Innovation


UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is a non-departmental public body created to strengthen the strategic approach to future challenges and maximise value from the UK Government’s investment of over £8 billion per annum in research and innovation. We deliver a strengthened, unified voice for the UK’s research and innovation funding system, facilitating a dialogue with government and partners on the national stage. It builds on the UK’s world class research and innovation performance, enabling the system to respond rapidly and effectively to current and future challenges.

About the Research & Development Missions Programme


The Research & Development Missions Programme (RDMP) is a new, targeted UK programme designed to support the Government’s National Missions and support delivery of the milestones in the Government’s Plan for Change. The primary objective of the RDMP is to fund targeted research and innovation (R&I), including technology development, to solve critical problems unique to each mission to improve people’s lives and create growth. An initial investment of £25 million was announced in the autumn budget, with UKRI leading, in partnership with the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and Government Mission teams, on focussed Research and Innovation (R&I) Challenges to respond to and develop solutions for the Problems in each Mission.

We are seeking Research and Innovation (R&I) Challenge Directors to shape a portfolio of research and innovation activities to provide solutions to critical, complex problems that the Government’s National missions need to overcome.

The Challenge Directors will be established, credible leaders supported by UKRI domain expertise, drawn from across the councils, and Government mission teams.

The RDMP R&I Challenge Directors are pivotal to the success of the Research and Development Missions Programme. They will collaborate with UKRI and Government policy and delivery teams to develop and deliver the Research and Innovation Challenges. This involves bringing together the public sector, frontline service providers, business and private investors, civic and local leaders, the third sector, community organisations, devolved administrations and academics to deliver innovative solutions to address Mission critical problems.

The R&I Challenge Directors are expected to understand the research and innovation ecosystem within their Mission area.  They will lead and be accountable for the strategic development, delivery, and oversight of R&I Challenges and the portfolio of funded activities.  This includes attracting, securing and achieving co-investment in line with RDMP Mission targets. Supported by UKRI, they will ensure that investments are aligned to agreed SMART objectives and achieve measurable impacts outlined in the Plan for Change. R&I Challenge Directors will also work with Government Mission teams, other funding organisations, UK business and other stakeholders, regularly reporting progress to the UKRI R&D Missions Programme Board and liaising with the UK Government Mission Boards to ensure impactful RDMP investments.

As a Challenge Director, you will have the autonomy to develop necessary interventions, foster cross sector partnerships, ensure co-investment by industry and third sector, and adjust activities as needed. This role offers a unique opportunity to influence and apply research and innovation to benefit UK citizens.

You will report directly to the Executive Chair in UKRI responsible for the Mission focussed R&I Challenges and be supported by the UKRI R&D Missions Programme Director and Programme Management Team. Additionally, you will be supported by UKRI council domain expert leads, the UKRI RDMP Mission Executive Chair lead and other RDMP Challenge Directors to identify synergies across R&I Challenges and drive collective impact.

  • Portfolio Delivery: Lead, shape, and oversee the Mission’s R&I Challenge portfolio of activities, ensuring the delivery of impactful research and innovation interventions that address key Mission problem statements on an accelerated timeline.
  • Leadership and Advocacy: Provide effective and consistent leadership, championing research and innovation to direct, shape, and oversee the Mission R&I Challenges with targeted intervention activities. Offer strong national leadership for the government and UKRI RDMP mission team.
  • Strategic Development: Develop business cases for new RDMP R&I Challenges and create robust delivery plans and interventions to achieve Mission ambitions. Employ a risk-based approach to pioneer innovative activities that address problem statements identified by the Mission Board.
  • Resource Management: Have authority and accountability for the effective deployment of resources. Ensure activities are developed and delivered to achieve timely, measurable impacts through monitoring and evaluation, aligning with Mission goals.
  • Decision-Making: Be empowered to redirect investment as needed to ensure timely impact. Influence the Government Mission team to establish robust delivery and impact plans, ensuring expected measurable outcomes are achieved.
  • Investment and Collaboration: Ensure co-investment from partners in funded R&I Challenge activities to support ambitious UK interventions. Collaborate with key stakeholders across the R&I Challenge, including UKRI delivery teams, cross-Government Mission teams, businesses, third sector, academia civic and local leaders, community organisations, devolved administrations, and other external funding organisations to develop co-funded activities.
  • R&I activity development: Undertake a risk-based approach to shape innovative activities which pioneer new ways of creating R&I solutions to problem statements and embed adoption and diffusion methods from the outset.
  • Reporting and Oversight: Regularly report progress to the UKRI R&D Missions Programme Board and liaise with UK Government Mission Teams and Boards to ensure RDMP investments deliver impacts at scale. Lead and have matrixed oversight of multi-disciplinary domain expertise across UKRI.
  • Synergy Identification: Work closely with other Mission Challenge Directors to identify complementarities across RDMP activities and the broader UKRI and government R&I funding landscape, driving collective impact.

Candidates will be assessed against the following essential criteria throughout the recruitment process:

  • A track record of achievement and established credibility in a senior role relevant to the Mission, including, but not limited to, roles in academia, business or policy.
  • In-depth knowledge of the R&I ecosystem, the policy context, and the existing evidence base in relation to the Mission ambitions outlined in the Plan for Change.
  • Excellent connections and the ability to broker effective and inclusive partnerships across the research and innovation community, third sector, business, policy, government, civic/local leaders and frontline services.
  • Experience of developing a business case including SMART objectives; and robust monitoring and evaluation plans.
  • A proven ability to develop and test R&I funding interventions that attract disciplinary and sector partnerships and significant co-investment to deliver impact at pace.
  • Excellent communication skills, suitable for engaging and inspiring with a wide-range of audiences, both specialist and non-specialists.
  • Experience of managing significant budgets, implementing cost-control, risk management and forecasting in a tightly controlled environment.
  • Experience leading a high-performance, multi-organisational team across multiple locations to deliver exceptional results.
  • Those interested in the Growth Mission must also demonstrate the ability to convene industrial players in different sectors to listen to their needs in order to design the R&I challenges; and an understanding of business R&D.


  • Understanding of the international landscape and global opportunities the Missions provide

Travel Requirements


The role will be based at the UKRI offices in Swindon. Whilst an ability to lead and build relationships at a distance is beneficial, this is also a role where visibility will be important, therefore, travel to our London office and other UK sites on a regular basis is also expected.



No external commitments that could be perceived as a conflict of interest or material distraction from the execution of their duties.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


UKRI is a diverse workforce of people. We believe that encouraging these differences and drawing the best from them will create a productive environment in which everyone feels valued, where talents are fully utilised and in which organisational goals are met. Underpinning this is a belief that it is a fundamental right for everyone to be treated equally, with fairness, respect and dignity. UKRI will act directly to ensure that this right is promoted and upheld; we welcome applications from all those who meet the criteria set out in our role profiles.


How To Apply

  • A comprehensive CV setting out your career history, with responsibilities and achievements. Please provide details of two professional referees together with a brief statement of the capacity and over what period of time they have known you.  Referees will not be contacted without your prior consent.​
  • A supporting statement (maximum two sides A4) highlighting your suitability and setting out, with clear examples, how you meet the essential criteria as highlighted in the person specification. Please note that the supporting statement is an important part of your application, it is an evidence-based document and is as much the means by which you will be assessed as your CV. Please include where you heard about this role.​

​You will also be asked to complete a Diversity Monitoring Form as part of your application.

The closing date for applications is 23.59 BST on Sunday 20th April 2025.

Campaign Leadership

Goran Gregorovic
Partner & Sector Lead, Research, Technology & Innovation, UKAME

Dr Goran Gregorovic

Partner & Sector Lead, AI, Data & Technology

Dr Jack Bircher

Consultant, UK

Dr Alexander Hurlow

Principal Research Associate, UKAME

Annabel Holt

Senior Research Associate, UKAME

Tadhg Waddington

Principal Research Associate, UKAME

Dr Urvashi Ramphul

Principal Project Manager, UKAME

Esther Elbro

Senior Research Associate, UKAME

Lucy Roper

Dr Goran Gregorovic

Partner & Sector Lead, Research, Technology & Innovation, UKAME

Goran is a Partner & Sector Lead, Health & Life Sciences.

His experience includes working on senior level strategic appointments for a range of higher education institutions, research institutes and centres, research-led organisations, public-private partnerships and biotech companies, and on global professorial and chair level appointments across various disciplines.

Goran holds an MSc in Molecular Biology from University of Zagreb and a PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology from University of Geneva.

Prior to joining Perrett Laver, Goran was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London.

Dr Jack Bircher

Partner & Sector Lead, AI, Data & Technology

Jack is Partner & Sector Lead, AI, Data & Technology.

His experience of senior level executive search includes multiple Chair and Professorial appointments globally across all academic disciplines, as well as leadership appointments in higher education and industry research and development.

Jack is expert in the use of metrics and analytics for the identification and assessment of world leading academics.

Jack holds a BSc in Physiology from the University of Liverpool, an MSc from the University of Leeds in Ion Channels in Disease and a PhD from Kings College London in Cell Signalling. His research focused on the role of ion channels in hormone release.

Dr Alexander Hurlow

Consultant, UK

Alex is a Consultant at Perrett Laver.

His experience of senior level executive search includes Chair and Professorial appointments for global Higher Education institutions and research leadership appointments in research and innovation focused organisations.

Alex holds a BA and MA in History, and a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Manchester. His research focused on analysis and translation of Old French chronicles and Norman law codes.

Prior to joining Perrett Laver he also taught at the University of Manchester and Swansea University.

Annabel Holt

Principal Research Associate, UKAME

Tadhg Waddington

Senior Research Associate, UKAME

Dr Urvashi Ramphul

Principal Research Associate, UKAME

Esther Elbro

Principal Project Manager, UKAME

Lucy Roper

Senior Research Associate, UKAME