Add Microsite

  • Make sure you are logged in
  • Navigate down the left hand side menu
  • Hover over “Microsites” or Click Microsites
  • Click “Add New Microsite
  • A Template should already be added, but if any issues change Template to Microsite Template 1
  • Add title of Microsite
  • Add Featured Image of Microsite – this will be the image to the left when viewing your Microsite
  • Add Microsite Image – this will be the image to the right behind your Title
  • Under Microsite Title Choose whether you want to display your Title or not – this can be helpful if you already included a title on your image
  • Add Under Title Text use this if you wish to add any more text under the title
  • Press the + and navigate to Patterns > all Patterns choose Who to talk to or Leadership
  • Go to Team Selection and pick the Team member you wish to add to the Who to talk to/Leadership section – you will see this block change on the front screen, you wont see it in edit mode.
  • Start Typing your content or choose blocks such as headings/images/videos by pressing +
  • To use premade blocks such as the Application apply links press + and navigate to Patterns > all Patterns choose Apply online – Pink other premade blocks are under here to use if required.
  • Press “Publish
Updated on March 7, 2024