Add Team members

Video for Adding team members

Video for Editing team members

For all Team members start here:

  • Make sure you are logged in
  • Navigate down the left hand side menu
  • Hover over “Our Team” or clickOur Team
  • Click “Add Our New Teams
  • Add title – Input the Team members First and Last name
  • Order – add a number to order the team member appropriately on the front end – 1 will be displayed first on the list
    IMPORTANT! Order over 6 wont be displayed on the front page (All Positions)
  • Set featured image – add an image for the team member -Upload a new or choose from an existing image (search for Placeholder in search bar if no image)
  • Team Tagstype in the team members practice from the following:
  • Board, Arts and culture, Academic Medicine and Health Sciences, Higher Education, Research Technology and Innovation, School and Education Organisation, School Impact and Education, Sports (These tags will appear down a list as you start to type, you can pick from the list when displayed, depending on the tag you choose the team member will be also be displayed on the carousel on the corresponding sector pages)

For Leadership Team (About us page)

Follow the above steps then proceed to the following:

  • Under Team Details write information in About Team Member which will display on the pop up model
  • Add Team member Location from dropdown
  • Add Team member email – This will display the contact form in the model (if no email is provided no contact form will display)
  • Add short Job description/title if needed – this will display on front end under name
  • On the right column under Leadership tick a category – They will be displayed in filter under this category on About us page
  • (If applicable) On the right column under Team Categories tick a category – They will be displayed in filter under this category on People page
  • Press “Publish” This is now live

For Filter Team Member (People page)

Follow above the “For all Team members start here” steps then proceed to the following:

  • Under Team Details write information in About Team Member which will display on the pop up model
  • Add Team member Location from dropdown
  • Add Team member email – This will display the contact form in the model (if no email is provided no contact form will display)
  • Add short Job description/title if needed – this will display on front end under name
  • On the right column under Team Categories tick a category – They will be displayed in filter under this category on People page
  • (If applicable) On the right column under Leadership tick a category – They will be displayed in filter under this category on About us page
  • Press “Publish” This is now live

For Team Member Project Managers/Researchers (People page)

Follow above the “For all Team members start here” steps then proceed to the following:

  • On the right column under Team Other tick the appropriate category Project Managers or Researchers
  • Press “Publish
  • The page will now refresh to be able to add the correct details for this type of team member
  • Under Researchers Details you can now add Job Details & a Location
  • Press “Publish” This is now live

For Team Member Operations(People page)

Follow above the “For all Team members start here” steps then proceed to the following:

  • Under Team Details write information in About Team Member which will display on the pop up model
  • Add Team member Location from dropdown
  • Add Team member email – This will display the contact form in the model (if no email is provided no contact form will display)
  • Add short Job description/title if needed – this will display on front end under name
  • On the right column under Team Other tick a Operations– They will be displayed in filter under this category on People page
  • To make sure they don’t appear on the front page (All Positions) make sure Order number is 6 or above
  • Press “Publish” This is now live
Updated on March 7, 2024